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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Started a fire just because...

So I stay up really late...No really late...4am. When you're a mom it doesn't make the next day easy. For some reason my husband can't have a 9 - 5 job Monday - Friday...he has a who knows what's next kind of job...This week he is on days for 12hrs Sunday - Tuesday...Where does the weekend go?

I have amazing kids. I know every mother does, but mine let me sleep in. I am not proud they do because I have told them plenty of times to wake me up when they get up...Yes, I could set an alarm, but honestly I would be so upset if I am the only one up in the morning. I am sooooo not a morning person.

Sometime around 11am I woke up because I heard my 1yr old knock on my door. I sleep in even if I make it to bed early, but I have never slept this late before. I could hear the 5yr old on the phone talking to grandma. I still haven't figured out why she doesn't have them wake me up either.

So I drag myself out of bed...Yes I have told my doctor several times that I can't sleep at night. but I guess he doesn't count that as a real issue...he likes to prescribe anti depressants (and I am not depressed!) and check my Vitamin D levels...I must be the palest person he has ever met because he is always checking my blood! Just call me Pale Rider because I am going places.

Everyone has eaten...The key for me is to have it ready to dish out...I only do this because they won't wake me up. My tooth is still upset at me over the root canal (front teeth are not ideal locations) so I am stuck with the soft foods. I decided to make Cream of Wheat...I just made it last night, I've made it a million times...I could have made it with my eyes closed until today.

I measure out the water and start heating it up, I measured out the cereal and set it aside. When the water started to boil I accidentally knocked over the 1/3 cup of dry cereal all over my counter top.  I was mad, but not mad enough to stop and say choice words. I put the pan back on the heat and poured a new cup of cereal...I repeated the steps move pan, start to pour cereal and out of nowhere my mandolin (the grating kind although I am musically inclined and could own one) starts to head for the scorching hot burner...Now if you own a Pampered Chef mandolin you aren't going to let that sucker melt all over the glass cook-top. I reached out to stop it and the 1/3 cup of cereal that was more than half way full poured out onto the hot burner...Instantly it caught fire.

I was almost dumbfounded...My glass top smooth cook-top just caught fire. I am a great cook...I cook in front of an audience...How in the heck do I catch my stove top on fire? I watched as the flames carefully licked up all the dry cereal on the hot circle.  I didn't flip out until the 5yr old suggested we call 911...The fire put itself out as soon as the cereal had burnt itself out. "We don't need to call 911. Don't you remember the officer telling you to call a parent first?!"
I called my husband...he didn't really care, no worries from him.

Now I get the privilege to clean it up so I can make dinner...Not really feeling in the mood to make dinner...The Schwan man came just before that...had I known this would happen I would have picked something to microwave or bake...guess I could start a fire there too. How do you get that I just burnt the stove top look off? I can barely get the I just boiled the potatoes over look off. Guess I should be glad the top is black and not white.

So I started a fire just because...My house is too messy.
So I started a fire just because...I was too tired to cook.
So I started a fire just because...I am a freakin mom and I can do what I want!



  1. Life sounds very interesting at your house. You always have the best stories. :)

    I have a glass cooktop too. I use a razor blade, elbow grease, Cerama Bryte (, a scruber designed for cooktops and A LOT of patience to get the burned stuff off and then it looks like new. I boil pasta over all of the time. :) Good luck and try not to start anymore fires. lol

  2. lol..thanks Lindsay...I'll have to get to cleaning.

  3. Magic Erasers are miracle workers.... serious. I used to use them on my flat top (when I had one... /cry) and the REALLY cooked on stuff took some scrubbing, but the rest came off EASY PEASY.


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