I woke up this morning not really thinking about it being April Fools. My husband slept in an extra hour and with an hour drive to work...that was not so funny.
Because I woke him up and hurried to help him pack a lunch. I couldn't go back to sleep...again not so funny.
5 hours later the kids woke up and began horsing around. We started to clean up the house because I knew my sister would be coming over. Since the baby had thrown up the night before I started to make Cream of Wheat and cleaning had come to a halt. Laughter was echoing over the half wall form the girls, but suddenly I heard a loud bonk from the coffee table area and a scream.
I rushed around the corner where the baby was crying. I scooped her up into my arms and began to carry her over to her blanket. As we neared the chair she began to arch away from me, but she never came back and she made no sound. Her back began to pop and I reached out for her head to bring her up. As I brought her close her eyes rolled back in her head and she wasn't breathing.
I called for my 7 and 6 years old to call 911. Dumbfounded and confused they couldn't help me. I cradled my sweet baby in my arms as I floated across the kitchen to a phone. I held her in my arms and cupped her chin as I spoke her name. The 911 operator answered as I rushed back to the living room and put her on her back. I began rubbing her chest and I was explaining the accident that I had been unable to see. I probed the 6 yr old for answers to the questions.
"She hit the corner of the coffee table, mommy."
"I know but where on her body, sweetheart?"
She pointed to her body, but became confused and then said no it was her chin. I lifted her chin and saw the red mark. She began to breath shallow and looked shocked. I told the operator she was breathing again. The operator assured me that she would send an ambulance any way and hung up.Being just 5 minutes from the hospital, I was expecting them to be there quickly, but I was able to call my husband and my mother and let them know what was going on.
My poor sweet baby lay on the floor in silence for an hour while the caring paramedic cared for her and asked about our family. The other paramedic brought all the kids a stuffed animal...not funny at all.
Someone needs to teach my baby that this April Fools joke went just a bit too far, lol.
Oh, how incredibly scary! I am glad things were okay in the end!