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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Click, Click...Click Click...

Well, either I am Dorthy trying to get home or I just pulled a gun.

If you guessed either one of those you would be close...Those both apply right now.

I was watching Ruby a few days ago. Have you seen it?  About a woman that was over 700lbs and is now under 350lbs. So as I am watching (not sure why I do), eating my potato chips and french onion candy bars...big glass of milk...Okay, so I am not that bad...about 3 potato chips before I realized I wasn't in the mood, I ate all the good mini candy bars the day before so I was left with the dark ones...really no one likes them when compared to the others, and the big glass of milk was probably bigger than that.

I love milk, I am so excited about milk delivery, except for the fact that I'll need delivery every other day or an extra fridge to house it all. Ohhhh....Cheese curds...there is nothing like Idaho Cheese Curds.

So Click...Click...why is it not clicking that I want to lose the weight? Click, Click...Click, Click....nope still nothing!


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Anyone want to buy a house in Pierre, SD (aka...NoWhere!)?
I didn't think so....

We showed the house 3 times this week. I can't believe how stressful it can be. When I sold our house in Idaho, it wasn't stressful at all. Here I am completely freaked out it isn't clean enough and I have a mini toddler pulling everything out. Not that I didn't have 2 toddlers doing the same thing in Idaho.
Was I just more easy going 5 years ago?
I seriously feel run down now. I fall asleep on the couch around 8pm as the kids are running around eating cookies and crackers, pulling out every toy in their rooms, and pulling all the beds apart. Maybe it is just more important to sell this house because of our price tag and the fact that we will be packed and moved out all before mid March.
Could it be because there is no family here to give us a hand? I can't just send the kids away to grandma and grandpa's house for the day. Do you think anyone really cares if there are water spots on the shower doors? I am so sick an tired of cleaning those off. The other shower has decided not to share hot water. Cold shower anyone? So to fix that will cost us an arm and a leg. We had the plumber over once...he was no help, answer was, "Well, I don't know." and then sent the $69 bill for less than 10 min of work.

Looking for homes to buy is so....I can't even think of the right words. I have in my mind the places I want the kids to attend school...but they cause the poor hubby another 30 minutes of drive time...Do I have to bite the bullet and have my kids grow up as Trojans? It still makes me cringe. I know it's just High School, but it sticks with what HS had the most Hicks, rodeo, snobs, druggies, etc... I am sure things have changed, but I am having a hard time getting over it.

Last week our budget was $220,000, this week I was informed it is $180,000...I am sure by next week it will be $130,000. Now he is thinking of moving to Wyoming because there are no state tax...For the same price we can afford a 800 sq ft 1 bedroom cabin. Hahaha...I am trying to picture all of our belongings in a house smaller than our very small 1st apartment in California. We have so much stuff! Enough to fill our 3000 sg ft home...I think it is only fitting that we own a home around the same size...I am having a hard time down sizing.
But in the last week we have thrown away over 8 yards and way over 1000 lbs of stuff (some of which could have been donated, but when there are two men in charge of carrying everything don't really get to pick and choose).

So if you hear of anyone wanting to buy a home in Pierre, SD, let me know. There are no other homes comparable to our home or you could pay more than the price it was listed at.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sitting Up

I am sitting up after midnight again...

We listed the house today. With no comparable in the whole town or surrounding areas it made the pricing difficult. Should we have asked for more? I think so, but hubby wouldn't call back. So there really is not much cushion from what we owe and what they are going to short us. With the house listing in the morning...It just makes me mad because I am looking around at all the stuff that everyone has left out for me to clean.

Why do men not understand that the women picks the house out? She is the one looking to see if there are dust bunnies stuck to the chairs or snot on the wall...Why doesn't he think it is a big deal to have the shoes piled up by the front door?

My heck...Why does he get to go to bed after making the hugest mess in the world while I stay up and clean it? I can't even leave the house or it might be 10 times worse when I get back. So the stretch of living in another persons home has begun. The phone could ring at any moment and I'll have to leave. I have to live in an almost impossibly clean house. People don't understand what it is like to have kids. Moms understand what it is like to have kids, but when you start shopping for a home you are not a mom you are a person. A person that wants a perfectly clean house with no milk spills on the floor, no pop tart pieces under the edge of the counter, and forget about the potty training chair because that screams that there has been an accident on the carpet, even if there hasn't been...Maybe that's just me thinking all these things.
My heck. It's taken me a week to clean the house because I have to have all the clothing color sorted in the closets, the books in size order, finger prints off the glass. Am I the only one that thinks that all these little things that can be dirty show that a person doesn't take care of their belongings?

I am so sick of people coming into my house and commenting on how nice it is. Of course it is nice! My heck...just because it is not typical of this community still thriving in the 80's style. Ahhhh! The realtor even told me that its too bad I'm moving because I could have stayed and designed beautiful houses. Take a look at the internet, look at other MLS listings in other states...How about a current magazine? Okay I am feeling a bit too mean. I guess no one here is used to someone with vision.

It also occurred to me (yesterday) that my husband and I are young and our house is not typical 20 something owned home. I have high end taste and lucky enough to have the shopping skills to back it up. I was able to buy all the kitchen, plumbing fixtures, lighting, appliances, tubs/showers/sinks/toilets, and blinds. for $20,000. Because I shopped smart, I have really nice things.

(It also drives me nuts to be told I have more stuff than anyone has ever seen. I just have it spread out because my husband can't stack a box and most stuff has been in a box for 9 years!)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Names have been changed to protect myself from violence to others.

Dear Dick,

I just want to thank you for believing a rumor that my husband was going to accept the new job. Had you not screamed and yelled at him the morning he returned from the interview, he would not have accepted the job.

Thanks to you I am leaving  my big brand new custom house, leaving my friends, and losing my 2 home-based business customers. Thanks to you, my kids are leaving their friends behind, the only school they know, and a pretty student oriented school curriculum. Thanks to you, I no longer have to put in the effort to co-chair the craft based fairs, organize activities for local moms, or take attendance of our church's children.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your actions since that first encounter. my husband was able to make a life altering decision seconds after before consulting me. This took a lot of stress of my shoulders to not be involved. You continued behavior has spoken louder than the words you use and my husband does not have to worry about backing out. His resignation letter is on your desk ready to go. Without you, Dick, we would not have 30 days to sell our home and move away.

Thanks again,
Kiss My A**

Not that we aren't excited to move home, it is just such a life altering and final feeling decision to do so. It is strange and frightening to take such a large pay cut, pay state taxes again, and move in with the In Laws. I am sure I'll get over it, but it pisses me off that everyone at work is treating my husband like he is a traitor for leaving when they are all from here. Even some of my friends from here act like I don't exist now because of it. Hello people...There is nothing great about this place! It just happens to be where your from, so get over yourselves. We want to go back to where we are from, but we wouldn't hold it against you if it was the other way around. You Suck!!!

Thanks for letting me vent, maybe now I can sleep instead of being awake for hours on end drafting my internal letter to my husband's coworkers and boss (that just happens to rhyme with Dick).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Clean or not to Clean

At 3am I was hoping I could get to sleep...then came 4am, 5am, 6am, the alarm at 7am....Blah...I hate when I have to be somewhere in the morning that I can't sleep. I have been up almost 40 hours now. Which brings me to the issue keeping me up...

So what if I sleep in! If my husband is home or it's the weekend...who cares?!!! I am so irritated. I know that some family...who I didn't want to be here in the first place, mind you....thinks that I am a bad housekeeper and shared that with everyone else.

Yes I sleep in...I sleep in because I am a night person, I have insomnia, and it is the only time I can have a real break from the day! It doesn't make me lazy. And house is cluttered and messy...You can move out! If I wanted to clean it or even felt good enough to clean it I would. I choose to leave my Stampin Up stuff in a pile at the end of the cupboard and all the dishes in the sink untill I have a full load. I'm not lazy...I have other things to do.

My husband doesn't stand up for me about it, like I wish he would. He knows I am desperately in need of 2 disk replacements or they will fuse my back and I don't want that at 29yrs old. He knows I have a 1yr old that requires a ton of attention. He knows I have to drive to town and back (40 miles at least) everyday for the older kids. He knows I have two independent businesses that require man power to run stuff around. He knows I volunteer for tons of stuff that I love to do. He knows I have to have some me time.

He thinks I have my priorities messed up when it comes to the house. I really don't. I clean the sinks, I scrub the toilets, I do the dishes, laundry, and all the other stupid stuff. I don't have mold and spores floating around everywhere (granted a dust bunny or two has floated around the computer a time or two). I mop the stupid floor on hands and knees...What else do you want from me?

Should I pick up the clutter? Probably would be nice, but if I have better things to do then I'll leave that up to you. Really...I do have better things to do!