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Sunday, February 14, 2010


Anyone want to buy a house in Pierre, SD (aka...NoWhere!)?
I didn't think so....

We showed the house 3 times this week. I can't believe how stressful it can be. When I sold our house in Idaho, it wasn't stressful at all. Here I am completely freaked out it isn't clean enough and I have a mini toddler pulling everything out. Not that I didn't have 2 toddlers doing the same thing in Idaho.
Was I just more easy going 5 years ago?
I seriously feel run down now. I fall asleep on the couch around 8pm as the kids are running around eating cookies and crackers, pulling out every toy in their rooms, and pulling all the beds apart. Maybe it is just more important to sell this house because of our price tag and the fact that we will be packed and moved out all before mid March.
Could it be because there is no family here to give us a hand? I can't just send the kids away to grandma and grandpa's house for the day. Do you think anyone really cares if there are water spots on the shower doors? I am so sick an tired of cleaning those off. The other shower has decided not to share hot water. Cold shower anyone? So to fix that will cost us an arm and a leg. We had the plumber over once...he was no help, answer was, "Well, I don't know." and then sent the $69 bill for less than 10 min of work.

Looking for homes to buy is so....I can't even think of the right words. I have in my mind the places I want the kids to attend school...but they cause the poor hubby another 30 minutes of drive time...Do I have to bite the bullet and have my kids grow up as Trojans? It still makes me cringe. I know it's just High School, but it sticks with what HS had the most Hicks, rodeo, snobs, druggies, etc... I am sure things have changed, but I am having a hard time getting over it.

Last week our budget was $220,000, this week I was informed it is $180,000...I am sure by next week it will be $130,000. Now he is thinking of moving to Wyoming because there are no state tax...For the same price we can afford a 800 sq ft 1 bedroom cabin. Hahaha...I am trying to picture all of our belongings in a house smaller than our very small 1st apartment in California. We have so much stuff! Enough to fill our 3000 sg ft home...I think it is only fitting that we own a home around the same size...I am having a hard time down sizing.
But in the last week we have thrown away over 8 yards and way over 1000 lbs of stuff (some of which could have been donated, but when there are two men in charge of carrying everything don't really get to pick and choose).

So if you hear of anyone wanting to buy a home in Pierre, SD, let me know. There are no other homes comparable to our home or you could pay more than the price it was listed at.


Leave it...I dare you!