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Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Names have been changed to protect myself from violence to others.

Dear Dick,

I just want to thank you for believing a rumor that my husband was going to accept the new job. Had you not screamed and yelled at him the morning he returned from the interview, he would not have accepted the job.

Thanks to you I am leaving  my big brand new custom house, leaving my friends, and losing my 2 home-based business customers. Thanks to you, my kids are leaving their friends behind, the only school they know, and a pretty student oriented school curriculum. Thanks to you, I no longer have to put in the effort to co-chair the craft based fairs, organize activities for local moms, or take attendance of our church's children.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your actions since that first encounter. my husband was able to make a life altering decision seconds after before consulting me. This took a lot of stress of my shoulders to not be involved. You continued behavior has spoken louder than the words you use and my husband does not have to worry about backing out. His resignation letter is on your desk ready to go. Without you, Dick, we would not have 30 days to sell our home and move away.

Thanks again,
Kiss My A**

Not that we aren't excited to move home, it is just such a life altering and final feeling decision to do so. It is strange and frightening to take such a large pay cut, pay state taxes again, and move in with the In Laws. I am sure I'll get over it, but it pisses me off that everyone at work is treating my husband like he is a traitor for leaving when they are all from here. Even some of my friends from here act like I don't exist now because of it. Hello people...There is nothing great about this place! It just happens to be where your from, so get over yourselves. We want to go back to where we are from, but we wouldn't hold it against you if it was the other way around. You Suck!!!

Thanks for letting me vent, maybe now I can sleep instead of being awake for hours on end drafting my internal letter to my husband's coworkers and boss (that just happens to rhyme with Dick).


  1. Well, "Dick" got what was coming to him a little bit it looks like. What an ass. I'm glad you guys won't have to deal with him anymore. However I understand the frustration of not being included in the final decision and all that goes with it. Hopefully it will all work smoothly and everything will turn out for the best. Hang in there.

  2. Is Dick's real name Prick? Because that rhymes...and that is what this dude sounds like to me.

  3. LOL...It goes with Ranger if you think back to the day and reading materials, lol. I agree, Prick sounds good. I know hubby would have made the same decision, but it would have been nice.


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