But the one thing that I realized is that it is all about me...ME Me ME ME MEEEE ME...Me, Myself and I. I am not the only person that believes that. My husband is all for it being about me (a lot of the time, but I never forget him). My kids rely on me without me there would be no homemade macaroni. My friends go out with me and I love them for thinking of me. My world revolves around me...if it didn't then it wouldn't really be my world would it, and we all know it is. So it is Me ME me me me me Me ME ME ME!
And if it is all about me then I just don't think that I should carre so much about what other people are believing or thinking about me. It is Me and that is all I need to care about. So if I hurt your feelings you're just gonna have to tell me because I don't give a flying anything unless you tell me. I am not a mind reader in my world. I am my own personal DIVA. Yes I am a diva and I can be a drama queen if the role is needed. If you have a beef with me then stop spreading rumors about things you think happened or didn't even occur. You aren't me so stay out of it. If you love me then tell me because I really am not paying attention and I probably won't stop long enough to dwell on it.
I am not saying I am perfect in this Me driven world. I am not sure that anyone out there can say they are perfect (and if they do, we all know they are lying their butts off!). I know I am not perfect and I can get off my high horse to come down to your level and apologize...but that only is extended so far and after that it is over. I'll hold a grudge if I need to, but those who know me best know that even my worst enemy can be my very best friend (even if you decide to never let them into your home).
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
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