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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's only fair

You may all think I am heartless, but It is only fair that everyone that reads my blog including family know that I did lash out on my blog...But only after my brother in law threatened to kill me on Facebook! He posted it and it is only fair that everyone who isn't on his friend list know that is what happened here.

 (I have a screen shot of his post posted just minutes after leaving a comment on my page)

I never called anyone names, threatened them, or post crude pictures about them..I did apologize to one party over a comment I made in the post that followed.

This is the message that inspired the threat
 Back story...I sent hubby to the store to buy 3 apples for dipping caramel (ate one that night). He placed the bag on my counter and I had one apple left that morning. Um...Over an apple? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I know I have pointed this out several times that no one is here in my shoes...But even a house guest should not threaten to kill their host. Plus if you don't think I know what it is like to be a house guest, I have been one several times even living with my in laws without my husband. When you are a guest you walk on eggshells. It isn't your home, you don't insult the host, or tell them their cooking sucks (cooking my kids favorites) when you aren't contributing. I've been there and this isn't my first house guest either. Do I expect we will always get along...Heck no. It sucks to live with anyone in your house or theirs. It sucks! Get over it or move out...That's the plan.

Will we be living in Idaho long? At this point highly unlikely arrangements are being discussed to move as far away as possible as I type!



  1. plans to move away from Idaho... ALREADY! Wow... no wonder you've moved so much in such a short amount of time. :(

  2. Dang! What a creep!

    And though I am saddened at the idea that you wont live in Idaho, I don't blame you if this is the sort of crap you have to deal with!


Leave it...I dare you!