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Saturday, March 27, 2010


"Don't rock the boat!"

Can anyone really ever recover when their boat has been rocked? Yes they can when it is a mild stirring of water beneath...but occasionally there is a swell that rocks the boat so hard you become shipwrecked.

There are something that are better off avoided. Like the street that the Ford pickup plowed into the Honda I was riding in...Fiesta Ole sour cream...and recent events. I am not sorry for wanting to avoid it all. I have nothing nice streaming through my head. I have a temper and I know that I can control it...but I really have no desire to at the moment.

I grew up in a family that talked (or yelled) about the way we feel. My husband grew up in a family that is emotionally insensitive...they get over it quick. I didn't grow up there. I once told my father in law, in a loud voice (I am sure), that I didn't grow up in his family so leave me alone...Let's just say moving is stressful enough and if I want my stuff moved in a gentle manner an I voice my opinion about it...You had better stay out of my way. (this was a few years back, maybe move 8) I am really not scared. I just like to be in control of the situation and in a storm there really is no control at all.

Right now we are shipwrecked. I feel like Robinson Crusoe, without the cool tree house. Pirates have invaded and although it has been weeks, there is the likely hood that they will be back. A little bit family, a little bit coworker, a little bit friend...I have a pit ready...and we are working on our boat.

I see nothing wrong with avoiding things. If a snake bites you, do you put your hand back in the hole? Heck no!

There are a few ships on the horizon...will one of them be for us? There are options.

There is no forgiveness in a canoe.


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