Thought it was clear, but apparently not. This is not a family blog. If you are looking for that try

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time for Change

Recently this blog took a path that was not what I intended. I am not going to apologize anymore for it. This is not a family blog...It just isn't. It was never meant to be.

Due to the last couple of posts things have gone negative, so I removed them. It was never my intention to be very negative or involve family members or friends.

This is a blog about the stuff racing through my head late at night keeping me awake. This last week went down hill quickly. I'm not sorry for feeling the way I have, but I have deleted the last 3 posts of complaints and apologies.

From this point on my blog will still be open and your welcome to follow. I just don't care any more. I'll try to stay positive, but as most of us know. Things don't go our way, we aren't always positive, and like the 1st line in the header Take it with a grain of salt. This is just the secrets of a mommy blogger not a mommy blogging site.



  1. Where is it written that a mommy has to be positive and perky and happy ALL the time?! Sheesh! It is your blog and you can say what you want to say. And for those who may not care for your "tone", then hey, they don't have to read it. The end.

    But I will still read. Because I think you are awesome...even when you are venting.


Leave it...I dare you!