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Thursday, March 4, 2010


It is hard to be positive when you are driving through pea soup fog. Why in the heck are there so many freakin idiots driving around with no lights?! Hello...if you can't see the people with their lights on why don't you turn your headlights on...You freakin fools.

Yesterday we also had dense fog...I almost plowed into one of those no lighted idiots when they pulled out in front of me on a curve. I'm just glad that the Tahoe speed demon wasn't on the road behind me today. I absolutely hate that he can't leave early enough to drive 60 instead of the 80 MPH  he feels is safe. I also love when he passes 4 cars in a row with oncoming traffic breaking to avoid him on the ice. Boy he is one smart cookie.

I am missing California. When the dense fog rolls in over 4 lanes of freeway speeding traffic coming to a dead stop there are no thin sheets of ice preventing you from doing so. Nothing like coming around the corner from Vacaville to Fairfield to dead stop in your face. I am amazed I even did it for 5 years. I hate traffic, I hate crowds, and I hate cars. I miss warmth...I miss fresh produce...I miss delivery.

It's amazing what people think about you. Like no one knows I qualify for disability. I have mornings when I can't even get up out of bed because I can't move my leg. I have been putting off that 4th back surgery because I am not in the mood to suffer month and months through the pain, having someone have to take care of my kids because I can't pick them up, and know that I will never be able to twist or turn from my waist. Why is our insurance company the only one that won't cover artificial disks? Here I am damaging the bones in my back because there is no disk left to cushion. Bet you didn't know it was that bad. Glad I cleared that up...get off my back, my house is messy because I can't do it all myself.


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