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Thursday, March 11, 2010


No internet, no furniture, no time...It just sucks. It sucks we are moving home. It sucks we aren't staying. It sucks we aren't there yet. It really sucks. So much for positive right?

I think the hubby realizes that we have an awesome house, but it is funny that is all there is. Who really wants to travel 4 hours to get to something or do something. It's funny that it just comes naturally here. Like no big deal to drop the money to travel. It's like a mini vacation just to do your shopping. Nothing like dropping a grand in a day or two for hotel, food, clothes, things.

It's gonna suck to drive alone, but kind of nice to have a break. Here's one for the road. Hope the house goes quickly so I can get a new one far away and get out of the Suckdum realm.


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