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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The happy Freaked out Dance

Do you jump up and down...Do you turn yourself around...Do you shake it all about?

It is still a tiny bit early...but it looks like I might be selling my home.  My beautifully hand chosen sinks, pretty walnut floors, custom glass banister, (sigh)...gone. Never to be had again. I designed this house to be what I wanted...And even though this house has been a source of anger and financial woe...I am gonna miss it.

I hope it sells quickly, but the price tag that tucked up in the eves might not let it go as fast as we want. It has taken over a year for me to let the anger go. What anger has this house caused? It's more like this whole town and lot and building process.

Thinking of building? Hold on to your money! The one thing that we have learned...Building can be horrible if it is a huge company or your closest friend. What do I mean about the town...We sold our very first house to move here and we sold it for a $10,000 profit. We got here and we could afford a stupid single wide trailer or a crooked little house on a sliding slope. Dumb stupidness! We had to sue our first contractor to try and get our house built...That cost up $8,000 plus $5,000 for the down payment. Still not sure why we were paying to be let out of a contract when they weren't delivering...Guess we needed a better lawyer (not to mention her costs). Made a great friend, who had a great family and included us at birthdays. He became our general contractor...Highly recommended...Built 4 houses in our area...promised 4 month turn around (had seen him do it in 2). He gave us bills, showed us receipts, and I got a phone call just days before our 8 months of horror was about to close (although he was still around long after that and left unfinished).

"Hey, this is the Heating company...We haven't been payed in over 7 months and we are gonna put a lien on your house."
"Are you freakin kidding me?"

So glad I am really good friends with his wife. I sweet talked my way into holding them off. I called all the sub contractors. What the HELL!!! (forgive the language I was pregnant at the time) No one had been paid! How do you confront someone that you liked up until that point about a $40,000 deficit that you have just a day to come up with and no funds to fund it with? Because he is a contractor and they are this mythical creature that can escape the law...especially when they no longer own their business...

Can't say it is sweet revenge...I should feel bad he lost his business (he does great work). I should feel bad his wife lost her baby a month in (they just had a baby boy). I should feel bad he has skin cancer (successfully removed). BUT I just feel bad he hasn't lost his house, his brand new truck and Denali, and the bobcat he bought while working for us. I feel bad that we aren't friends still. I am glad that in a very small town that I haven't seen him in over a year until we just passed him the other day rounding a corner...Okay dug up some issues that still remain I guess.

So the happy dance...Looks like we might finally be moving home...But I'll know more on Monday. So how about a mini happy dance for now.

1 comment:

  1. Yay... *mini happy face* if it works out that way we should do a mini reunion with whomever is in town... go out to lunch or something. :)


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