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Thursday, January 28, 2010

When procrastination bites you in the butt

I scheduled the Realtor to come at 9am on Monday to give me a deadline...I needed something to drive me to clean up the clutter...It is Friday early AM...I have nothing totally clean except my son's closet. The smallest closet in the house for that matter. All the hubby has done is cleaned out the garage. Granted it is the same size as our house (maybe the selling factor for us), but still it would be nice to have him do something with me in here.

I hate the fact he just gave away my ficus trees to a friend's husband that came to pick up a mattress and a door. Granted he had already thrown them in the dumpster he has parked out front along with the Hoover Floor Mate and Dirt Devil floor cleaner. Come to think of it what else of mine has he thrown out?

When normal people are up it will be Friday. Friday I have to dive the daughter around after school to pitch business owners on the idea of setting up a Girl Scout cookie shop...About an hour after that the Hubby and Son will be spending the night for a Boy Scouting overnight event.

Topping it off I have had to post 3 review/giveaways on my other site in less than 24 hours. Like I have time to work? It takes so much time to giveaway blog it is unreal...Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it. Sometimes it is Sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it is fun and sometimes it sucks butt!

I am sure now I will be up all night Sunday cleaning, scrubbing throwing things in boxes down stairs. That is how I usually do things...The night before the last day of school at Christmas I am cooking gingerbread for churches and houses for the teachers...Day before Thanksgiving just starting the turkey defrosting process...

The only good thing about it is...I might stress but I get it done and if I don't then no big deal I'll do it the next day. Does turkey really need to be served on Thanksgiving? Granted I only have under 45 days to get this all finished and only 3 days to get it set...Crap! Where did the time go...Oh wait, I've only really known for a week now. Only had a set plan for 3 days. Do normal people do this? Fastest move I've ever done was a weekend's notice and I moved to the same location that I am moving to again...I can't believe returning home is always such a hurried experience.


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