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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Welcome to my mess.

Welcome to my new outlet for those Mom moments that are less mommy and more adult. It's my alter ego blog. If you would like to visit the sweet and silly blog please do at MNMSpecial Giveaways. Right now there is no real direction for this blog except the unsugar coated sweet as cherry pieness...not biting my tongue before I had kids voice honest thought process.

I stay up really late at night and have all these moments that pop into my mind that have happened, are going to happen or should happen. Sometimes it keeps my mind up to the point I am still awake when the sun comes up again.

There is only so much one person can be told to go to bed...I am sure that when I am still up at 2 am my friend in Japan is just getting her kids out the door for school. The sun might be ahead of me or following right behind, but here is my jumbled up thought process unleashed.

Thanks for visiting.

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