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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Million Dollar Family

My husband's boss is being a (not nice man). He is throwing a tantrum over my husband leaving the Dam. Did I mention my husband has a dam job? Not sure if his boss is just so angry because we are leaving with a huge pay cut, my husband is so young, or they just like him too much...

My husband had no plans to leave this dam, but by chance (you can call it what you will) he left his notification up one extra day. The email came across stating the coveted position was open. This is the type of job they call the retirement job. It is straight days, no shift work (awesome). Only 4 days a week and no holidays. No overtime...Just found out hubby worked 448 hours of overtime this last year (not counting his travel) plus 2080 regular hours. There are only 8760 hours in a year. 2920 hours of sleep...We only saw him 3320ish hours if he was home and we were home. Wow...that's a lot of time.

Why is my family worth a million dollars? In an email "the Boss" sent this weekend, he made sure to point out the fact that my husband will lose over $30,000 a the course of his career he will lose over 1 million dollars ($1,000,000).

I asked my husband if he was sure it was what he wanted, pay loss and all and he said, "I think it is important for us to live by our family. I want to be there for the kids and I love you very much, so Yes it is worth it."

1 comment:

  1. NICE. Go hubby go! Way to show the family that THEY come first... not money etc. I know it will probably be a huge adjustment, but likely well worth it :)


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