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Monday, January 18, 2010

Really, should I pay you?

So almost every Monday I have a woman come in and clean my house...I know you were wondering how I can get it all done...The truth? I don't. I don't know how any mom can get it all done let alone a Mommy Blogger or a mom with a job outside the home (or in home for that matter)!

I was thinking back to when I was a Finance and Warranty Manager at a large Boat and RV dealership (which has closed since I left...yes, I was that important and the economy did help). How did I keep my house clean? I was a single parent because my husband was working full time in another state so he wasn't picking up the mess. Then it dawned on me...I work over 60 hrs a week, my kids don't call me mom, and I am never home...No wonder high paid business women have clean homes...they aren't there!

So being Monday, bright and early is when she shows up to clean whatever needs cleaning. I personally loath the idea of someone cleaning my house. I hate the way people do it. I used to follow the woman I paid $100 an hour to and re-clean everything she touched. (I was on bed rest and 6 months pregnant, but I wasn't about to let my friends in to do it either.) I can hear you laughing now...So I stayed up until 4am cleaning before someone else could. It isn't that I save it all till the last, it just seems to be a never ending job. I sweep my floors every day...Every Day! Did it look like it when she arrived today? No it didn't.

Me being the smart woman that I am, shuffled her down to my basement...Thinking it would take up the two hours and she would not be right in the middle of the mess (when I get making cards I can whip up a gigantic mess). I am not quite sure how she was able to pile every box up around the perimeter of the basement so fast, but I can now see the floor. My darn husband (and his family) just can't get the concept of how to stack a freakin box. For the past year I've had 1 box high covering over 1400sqft of the basement (I am allowing for the walking path to the storage room and the bathroom).

So lucky for me she had 20 minutes left to come up and sweep my floor and put the groceries away (where ever she felt like) in the pantry. I know serves me right for not putting them away a week ago, but if I hadn't cleaned all night long she wouldn't have been able to even get in there! Why do husbands think they are being helpful when piling things out of site, but right in the way?

Since I am not going to take a nap and I got up hours earlier than normal...I am hoping to make it to bed by midnight for once...Probably won't happen. I'll probably have more stuff to talk about because I can feel a new post coming on right now...Let me just say it involves the house for sale right next to my Mother In Law...woo hoo!


1 comment:

  1. A house for sale right by your mother in law? Please tell me you aren't going to move next to her!


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