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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Man v's Wild and me!

My computer has been missing for a few days due to the motherboard finally going out. Now the speakers won't work! Don't they know I can't hear facebook messages when I have 20+ screens open and I can't see that page at all?

I've had a ton of stuff to talk about, but of course I won't remember until 3 am like usual. I like to send my kids to bed at 7:30...doesn't always happen, but usually by 8 they are all asleep. Tonight however the 5 yr old is testing my patients...Why does Bear Grylls do such dumb things? If your gonna try to go across a huge lake why wouldn't you test your boat before you get out to the middle? I know the show is about surviving, but to me that one is a no brainer! I finally finished braiding her hair so she would be so miserable that she would go to bed.

My husband is MIA tonight...alright I know where he is...he has been sitting in the Denver Airport for the last 8 hours. I just have a hard time believing that for $1200 a 8 hr is the best that can be done...8 hrs in a huge airport that I am sure has more than one plane arriving to his destination...I am sure those people payed far less for their tickets.  Part of the problem is our local airport canceling his original flight because of ice rain, however the rain didn't start until an hour before he left on the afternoon flight.

So my husband is interviewing for a new job...his old one is just fine...the new one is the same thing just different division and way less money. Granted no shift work...How does one justify it? We would be moving back home, but the job is a bit further from home...Either my husband travels and hour to and from work or our kids travel and hour to and from school by bus...neither one are very appealing when dangerous stretches of road are involved.
(What the heck is Bear doing now?!)
To make matters worse about the possibility of this job is people out here have heard about it and now won't talk to we are deserting them...There is a reason that no one calls this barren waste land God's Country (except the locals because they don't know better)! Like normal people think it is normal to be flown 4 hrs to a 4 hours to go to movies. Seriously...If your town wants to be a serious place why don't you let people/businesses move in instead of running them off. Price gouging is not okay. I seriously hate the fact that before the recession our house here would have cost the same as the area just outside of San Francisco...No Joke! Had we purchased a house in thinking it was too much...Who the heck in their right mind pays $170,000 for a single wide trailer on rented property?
(He was in a old Homestead, just in case you were wondering.)

So...while Dear Hubby is back home interviewing for a position he may not get...he is going to look at the house right next to his parents. (hoping they never see this) his mother made my life miserable for the first 7/9ths of our marriage. She didn't even talk to me the first year (we only came back 2 times). She would ask my husband to ask me even though I was standing right there...What the heck man?!
She has just recently decided that she needs to see our this move would be perfect for her. She doesn't understand that because my parents have always been there that they do have priority.
(Seriously Bear, why didn't you take care of that before you went in there?!)



  1. There are several houses in MY neigborhood for sale right now! Tell him to look there! Eagle Pointe housing area...most of them are 4 - 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. In fact, the house right next to use is for sale. Come live next to me not the evil mother in law!!

  2. Back home.... as in HERE?!?! :) that would be a very big "plus" but I understand the reservations. I hope it all works out for the best. And ya... Bear has to stretch the "plausibility" a bit, doesn't he lol

  3. LOL. We have a few friends over there...I refuse to live in a split level. Sounds like IF is it. I kind of want my old place back in Woodland Hills (its being rented). Did you see Bear survive South Dakota...Thats how I feel every day! I was watching the Montana one, lol.


Leave it...I dare you!