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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Family is in bed

The family is in bed and I am of course working on giveaways for my alter ego site. Does anyone really know how much work review and giveaway blogging really are? No no they don't because if they did no one would be doing it!

So I made dinner tonight...I didn't want to because of the fire, but I did. I did because the baby was crying and I didn't want to hold her. Am I selfish? Yes, yes I am...I wait all day for my husband to come home so I can be my own person again. I have a very hard time giving him his me time because he is alone all day long. The kids have a little over 1 hour with him before they go to bed. He deserves to be in my shoes for that hour!

I mostly like it when my husband cooks because it means I don't have to do anything but sit and supervise form the couch. But I did get off my butt and throw some precooked meatballs in the oven and cooked some noodles.  How do you blame someone for your pantry being low when you are the real culprit? It's difficult, but it can be done. It takes a bit of stomping around and saying things like "If you would just put stuff away instead of leaving it on the floor." and "Who put this box on the floor so I can't see anything?"

Play the card right and you could be on a all inclusive on your own trip to the store with maybe a stop off at the movie theater or ice cream store. If your really organized you can hit your local shopping center and get the list in under 30 minutes...Seriously plenty of time to enjoy yourself. Don't feel guilty...Those kids came out of your body (or another woman's body)...It's a mom's right to relax otherwise the whole thing falls apart.

So back to dinner...I would have been perfectly fine with the bag of meatballs and cheese bread I pulled out of the freezer, but hubby acted like there needed to be more. He didn't have to say it, but I can tell he thinks my skills have been lacking (do I have to mention the fire again?).

Crap! What is there in this house and why didn't I buy anything at the store last time I was there?! Fridge don't fail me now...Score an expired (by a few days) half used sour cream...Why am I so freaking magical?  Can of Cream of Mushroom soup a staple on the bottom shelf in the pantry (I forgot to check the expiration date on that one). I can make Stroganoff. A quick call to my mom to see if there really is anything missing and she points out Worcestershire...Well, I have that in the other fridge. So it is on!!!

Did you know that Worcestershire sauce expires? After putting everything away I looked at the bottle...mine expired in 2008. It was only a splash so I am just waiting for the food poisoning to set in...partly because I forgot to time the meatballs and then the thermometer was missing the battery.

Now I am enjoying Peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies from the Schwan man. They are so hot I am eating them with a spoon. Who says you have to wait to eat them (if I had made them from scratch, they wouldn't have made it to the ready to cook stage)? 

I just have to say two more things...I watched the Golden Globes and I love Sophia Loren, but why didn't anyone get her some better glasses to wear? unfashionable! And the big one (lol, I mean pair) Who dressed the woman from Mad Men that looked like she was going to fall out of her apricot colored dress that was way too small and her chest was way to big to be going strapless! Yuck...It wasn't even something I could look at and I don't mind a good pair if dressed properly...That sounds worse than what I meant it, but I am sure your thinking the same thing...Yes, I thought so.


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