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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oooohhhh I am so Mad

I am so mad at my husband. He thinks I blog way too much and I don't have my priorities straight. Doesn't he understand that I just don't want to clean the house?!

I blog and sit on the computer while the baby naps or after the kids are in bed. If I wasn't doing that I would just be watching a movie or two. I spend on a usual day less than 2 hours. I guess it could sound like a lot, but if I were still working...I would be on even longer. It seems like if you work you get the interaction all day long and when you stay home, you usually don't get any adult interaction till your spouse comes home.

Don't they get it? Sometimes you just need to get away and that's hard to do with kids. I've been home alone with my kids since Thursday afternoon. I took the baby to play group during the day, but after that...nothing. So what I didn't scrub the floor till Sat. My priorities aren't messed up.

When I was selling Pampered Chef full time he complained I did that to much so he told me to quit at the first of the year. Did/Do I want! But my priorities were wrong then too. I guess he just wants me to stay home and do nothing. I'm sorry but that's just too boring. It might work for him if he was ever here, but he isn't! (steaming)

He doesn't notice when I do anything around the house so why do it? He said he isn't calling me lazy, but it feels like it. I just hand scrubbed the floor for 2 hours, did 2 loads of dishes (my dishwasher is awful), fixed the couch, cleaned under it, and vacuumed the living room. Has he said anything? No. Will he, NO. He thinks he has to throw everything away.. he even called me a Hoarder! I have to say, he is not my favorite person. He has no clue what it is even like to pick up. I have to set the trash out in the middle of the floor for 2 or more days of everyone tripping over it before he takes it out!

I am always picking his undies off the floor (on my side of the bed) because he doesn't put it in the laundry basket. Just because my side is closer to the door doesn't mean that the laundry basket right outside is any further away! I've asked for a month to have the diaper pail emptied. I'm the hoarder...So what I have 2 dining room tables...One is more of a breakfast nook table and we payed a butt load for it and it's perfect for scrapbooking. It's not my fault he never finished the basement so I can use it! I'm not getting rid of the nice stuff just to make him feel better!

Stop moving me around so I can take stuff out of boxes.


  1. Aw, I so understand this. When you are home by yourself and you never know when the kids are going to need you sometimes the best "me time" thing to do is get on the computer. You can leave it at any time to stop the kids from bickering or to go get the phone etc.

    I'm sorry he doesn't seem to understand. Maybe you could let him know that you don't feel like doing anything because 1) your back 2) it doesn't get noticed and if it does no one says anything and 3) you feel like you are doing it all by yourself. Besides the fact that everyone needs adult interaction. Especially women who stay at home all day. Kid talk just doesn't cut it.

    I don't know of ANY mom that stays at home that doesn't feel the same way. It's a hard thing to do. It's monotonous, thankless, and lonely, and that's not even mentioning that most of the tasks that you do get undone really fast. Granted there are rewards, but it is HARD...I don't think a lot of people get that.

    Stick in there. Try to talk it out. And if that doesn't work... maybe it's time to take a break of some sort. I certainly know I need one.


  2. Hey Thanks. I had to ask him if he is moving me home so he can leave me. He laughed, but I think he got it, lol. This all just seems to easy.

  3. Having a bad day? I'm so sorry, and to top it off you have to move in with his family. I'm SO sorry. I think you are amazing and if you want Jamie to call him and tell him what I do all day (absolutely nothing, no really I don't really do much) it can be arranged. I think you are great! Hang in there!

  4. Dude, moms need "me time" no matter what. And if you choose to spend it blogging, then so what.
    So, are you officially moving then? When?

  5. You go Girl!, it's nice to read what other moms are feeling.


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