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Saturday, January 23, 2010

To Church or not to Church?...That is the Question...

(Hoping not to offend anyone)
Alright...Church is in just a few hours...Not sure I can put my heart into it. A lot of people  (which is most of them) aren't talking to us over the fact Dear, Sweet Hubby applied for a out of state job.

Who can blame him? With Friends/Acquaintances/Church members like one really.

Dear Church goer,
This is not the end of the world...It's just the return of ours.
Moving on

Do I dare tell them it's a bit more than an interview now? Oh, heck no! The house will go up on the market...if we are lucky no one will notice and we can disappear into the night. Not really.

It was so difficult to even be accepted here in the first place. After 4 years of hard work...They like me, They really like me...hahaha...and this will just crush them.  I'd like to thank all my fans and followers of Pampered Chef and Stampin' Up...Dang, guess I'd better let them know, oh and the MOPS moms because I am in charge of all the mom activities, guess I finally did find a way to get out of that...Any other obligations...Well guess I have to resign from all the craft boards I am more money for me, lol.

On a serious note...My cousin that is 3 has some serious health issues and he has to have surgery again (there have been so many and he will need them over and over again for the rest of his life). His oxygen level has come up to 60% and they will be going in to try and fix his veins and arteries again. There is a special prayer and fasting session going on right now. So if I don't go, I know I'll feel guilty, but if I go I know I'll feel a bit my back and two the glares.

Did I mention the church members hated us for over a year when we moved here? Well we were told it is a family there (literally) and we weren't family (picture glares). We were also told and still mentioned they don't need no Idaho and Utah people coming in and taking over their church...Yes...most of you are laughing cause you get it...It is comical to hear from a leader at the pulpit during a state wide gathering...with a majority of the audience being from Idaho and Utah, there for just a few years.

So to Church or not to Church?  I just can't wait to be back in my element with crafty people on Super Saturdays, lol...


  1. Did ya go? Just curious... I went, for the first time in a while.

    It wasn't so bad... though I really didn't want to get out of bed. :(

  2. I only got 3 hrs of sleep and the wind and snow were blowing sideways...The baby was crying over diaper rash and sore feet still...So no. Then the organist FB me in the middle of it saying she missed us...Must have only been 10 people there, lol.


Leave it...I dare you!