The house has been on the market for 22 days...Do you think it will last another 15-45? lol
I am not sure that a normal person would spend $205,000 for an unfinished house. I know we would not spend that much to get it. Not sure I want my kids to be Trojans when they grow up and attend high school. Seems like cruel and unusual punishment. Plus I am so afraid they will end up dating distant cousins because both sides of my family are from there. There was a time in HS when I was dating that I commented to a Aunt (married my dad's brother...just happened to be related to my mother) about how cute this boy was I met and she said, "Well, you know you are related right?"
Bummer...but I never called him, lol.
I think it would be okay to live just 15 miles from my parents...and his. 15 miles is close, but not stop by every single day close...That gives me 22 minutes to clean house from the time I receive the phone call they are on their way.
I'm not scared of a challenge...I can finish the inside of a home for under $20,000...I am a smart shopper...Guess I'll have to post some pictures of the inside when I get it clean enough to list, lol...Anyone want to take my kids for a month so it can be listed? Guess I've done it before. I kept the other house clean with kids by myself after Morgan left to work...But dang it we only slept there.
Is it bad to say..hey just move me to TX instead because there is no snow there? I've never been there and I want to live by my family, but I hate snow now. It is keeping my hubby stranded in the Denver Airport...he has been there 9 hours this time...and 8 hours on the way there...Now he has caught a flight to a town 4 hours away, but has no hotel and no car...He is missing work all for a new job...Nice.
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